
Crafted with the intention of evaluating how well the game mechanics resonate with the player, the game concept serves as a dynamic testing ground.


In this project, we’re diving into the thrilling world of game development with a concept that promises excitement and challenge: saving an island by destroying balloons flying towards it.

POC allows us to test the feasibility and viability of our game mechanic concept before diving into full-scale development. By creating a prototype, we can experiment with different gameplay elements, such as balloon behavior, player controls, and environmental interactions.

Why POC ?

Not only does POC help us validate our ideas, but it also allows us to identify potential challenges and refine our concept early in the development process. This iterative approach saves time and resources in the long run, as we can make informed decisions based on concrete evidence rather than speculation.

Moreover, POC enables us to gather valuable feedback from playtesting sessions, allowing us to fine-tune the game mechanic based on player reactions and preferences. This iterative feedback loop ensures that our final product meets player expectations and delivers an engaging and immersive gaming experience.


In summary, the use of proof of concept in game mechanics design offers several advantages:

  1. Validates the feasibility and viability of the game mechanic concept.
  2. Identifies potential challenges and refines the concept early in development.
  3. Saves time and resources by making informed decisions based on concrete evidence.

With the power of proof of concept, we’re excited to bring this thrilling game mechanic to life and deliver an unforgettable gaming experience. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and get ready to embark on a daring adventure to save the island!

POC Process Summary

Step 01

Idea validation

Validates the feasibility and viability of the game mechanic concept.

Step 02


Identifies potential challenges and refines the concept early in development.

Step 03

Saves time

Saves time and resources by making informed decisions based on concrete evidence.